Dwelling Bicycle: A Multifunctional Marvel

Combining Transportation and Accommodation in One

Inspired by a young adventurer's journey in the 1940s, Dimitrios Spyropoulos created the Dwelling Bicycle, a unique and innovative design that merges the functions of transportation and accommodation into a single, unified package.

Transportation, recreation, racing... The versatility of a bicycle is truly remarkable. But what if some of these functions could be combined, especially when one of them is unexpected? The Dwelling Bicycle aims to harmoniously coexist as both a means of transportation and a place of rest. Its main objectives are to provide privacy and comfort while maintaining drivability, despite the increased weight compared to a traditional bike.

The Dwelling Bicycle is constructed using a combination of aluminum and steel elements, along with weatherproof textiles for the protective cover and seating. While carbon fiber would have been the ideal choice, the use of aluminum and steel ensures budget efficiency without compromising on durability.

Technical specifications of the Dwelling Bicycle include a width of 900mm, depth of 2350mm, and height of 1600mm. The aluminum wheels have diameters of 20 inches at the front and 28 inches at the rear. The frame, made of 2mm thick steel aluminum, provides stability and strength. With a luggage capacity of 70 liters, the Dwelling Bicycle weighs 37kg.

Designed for long-distance comfort, the Dwelling Bicycle features a recumbent-style seating position. When not in motion, the seat and cover can be easily transformed to create a resting place. The vehicle's functionality seamlessly transitions from transportation to accommodation, providing a versatile experience for the user.

The Dwelling Bicycle project was realized in Volos, Greece, from March 2012 to March 2013. The design team, led by Dimitrios Spyropoulos, included Zissis Kotionis from the University of Thessaly's Department of Architecture as the supervisor, along with consultants Dimitris Korres and Nikolaos Platsas. Afoi Lazarou contributed to the metal parts, while Konstantinos Mpousiakis provided the fabrics, and Giorgos Triantaris supplied the bike parts.

One of the main challenges faced during the design process was successfully integrating the dwelling function into the bicycle without compromising its drivability. The solution came in the form of a transformable driving/resting seat, which lowered the center of gravity and maintained the vehicle's refined cycling experience. Additionally, a protective cover with a simple opening-closing process ensured a seamless transformation from driving to resting state.

The Dwelling Bicycle has received recognition for its innovative design. In 2014, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Vehicle, Mobility, and Transportation Design category. This prestigious award is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

The Dwelling Bicycle is a testament to the limitless possibilities of design, pushing the boundaries of what a bicycle can be. By combining transportation and accommodation, Dimitrios Spyropoulos has created a truly multifunctional marvel that offers a unique and unforgettable experience for its users.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Dimitrios Spyropoulos
Image Credits: Dimitrios Spyropoulos, 2013
Project Team Members: Supervision: Zissis Kotionis (University of Thessaly - Department of Architecture) Consultants: Dimitris Korres, Nikolaos Platsas Metal Parts: Afoi Lazarou Fabrics: Konstantinos Mpousiakis Bike Parts: Giorgos Triantaris
Project Name: Dwelling Bicycle
Project Client: Dimitrios Spyropoulos

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